Read about the individuals and organisations putting in the mahi to localise food here in Ōtepoti.
Do you have a story for us? Get in touch!
Community News
Check out these resources about our important pollinators!
This resource was inspired by the Ōtepoti Food Futures Hui held in November 2024. OFN is proud to support all outcomes and actions from the well attended hui. Want to know more? Email Our Food Network today!
What is Food Resilience?
Do you know the nine planetary boundaries? Read this informative article and see how it relates to food resilience.
Thank you to our Funders
A huge thank you to our funders for 2024, with your support we have been able to successfully host a series of community hui, continue to support the Community Fruit Harvest and maintain a presence in the work toward greater resilience in Ōtepoti's Food System.
Thank you!
Crop Swaps
Want to learn how to host a Crop Swap in your neighbourhood?
Check out these handy tips from Crop Swap Aotearoa!
OFN November Newsletter OUT NOW!
Kia ora,
It’s been another busy month, and as we approach the festive season, it’s the perfect time to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all our contacts and connections for your support and encouragement throughout the year. We wish you all the best for the summer season ahead, with fruitful crops and continued mahi!. Check out our full newsletter here
Ōtepoti Food Futures Hui - Summary
The Ōtepoti Food Futures Hui by Our Food Network was held on the 16th November at the Dunningham Suite, Dunedin Public Library. If you missed the hui, you can read the summary here!
Support Group Formed!
Support Group Formed!
At our recent hui, participants were encouraged to identify an action that they would like to start/lead.
Check out this newly formed garden support group. First meeting Wednesday 27th November, 3 30 - 4 30pm, at the Tomahawk Community Garden in Ocean Grove (by 30 Oregon St. - use the short access walkway to the garden on the Recreation Reserve)
Survey - Local Growers Cooperative! Please fill in form
Please help with this important survey!
Impact Consulting who is working on a feasibility study for a local grower's cooperative: "We are currently investigating the potential for a Local Food Co-op in Dunedin (on behalf of Village Agrarians) and are interested in perspectives from anyone involved in the Otago Food Sector".
Blog 2 “Food Waste Wednesday”
Blog 2 of Food Waste Wednesday - a review of the Food Waste Summit by Robyn Zink
Unity needed for “Food Resilient Future”
Check out this article in The Star highlighting our upcoming hui!
Unity needed for ‘food resilient future’ | Otago Daily Times Online News
Blog 1 “Food Waste Wednesday”
Our chairperson, Robyn Zink, recently attended the Food Waste Summit organised by WasteMinz and NZ Food Waste Champions 12.3.
To summarise the proceedings, we are going to do a series of blogs that give some more detail about the material covered and where you can find out more!
Job Opportunity! Community Fruit Harvest Coordinator
Are you our next Otepoti Community Fruit Harvest Coordinator?
We are looking for someone who’s passionate about community access to healthy kai and is keen to work with volunteers and householders, to pick and distribute surplus fruit.
Key tasks are recruiting and coordinating volunteers, liaison with householders and food distribution groups, and supporting Harvest festival event planning.
This contract position is from 2nd December to 30th April 2025. Averaging 15 hours per week but does need to be flexible over the season.
You’ll be supported by OFN and Valley Project staff.
Contact for more information or to apply.
Closing date for applications Friday 8th at 5pm.
Permaculture - Resilience by Design Workshop
9th November 1.00pm - 5.00pm $80.00
An Introductory Course taught at a Port Chalmers garden in the early stages of permaculture development. We will begin with some theory - introducing and playing with the philosophy, ethics and principals of Permaculture - to get a feel for what Permaculture is: an innovative design framework for designing resilient human-scale systems in harmony with nature - the scope of which is limited only by your imagination!
For further details and bookings come on over to
Don’t forget about the bee’s!
Don't forget about the bees!!
Pam McKinlay (Otago Polytechnic) coordinates and curates Art + Science Projects. together with Jenny Jandt, they secured funding from The Otago Participatory Science Platform, to run a series of “BEE Creative” workshops (July – September 2024). Check out the website here.
Dunedin Vegetable Growers Club Newsletter
Dunedin Vegetable Growers Club October newsletter.
Thrift! Self Sustaining Gardens
You may have heard of Permaculture, how about Hügelkultur? What are they and can they help you grow your own food without spending any money? Check out this podcast!
Community Gardens Hui
This WEEKEND! 21.09.24
A friendly, informal event open to all people involved in or interested in community gardens in Dunedin.
Your input and feedback is valuable to shaping our food resilient Ōtepoti! We can't wait to see you there!