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Community Classroom: Permaculture - Resilience by Design

An Introductory Course covering basic theory, then focusing on two hands-on practical activities - because Permaculture is all about ACTION! Together we will 1). Build a No-Dig Sheet Mulch Vegetable Garden; 2). Prepare and Plant an Established Orchard for a Food Forest Make-Over
Taught at a beautiful, and abundant Permaculture Garden in Macandrew Bay. We will begin with some theory - introducing and playing with the philosophy, ethics and principals of Permaculture - to get a feel for what Permaculture is: An innovative design framework for designing resilient human-scale systems in harmony with nature (the scope of which is limited only by your imagination!)

We will balance this theory session with two hands-on practical activities which will enable you to immediately apply Permaculture Principals at your home, school, or workplace.

1. We will build a No-Dig Sheet Mulch Garden

This method allows you to turn a bare or weedy garden, a lawn or even a paved driveway (!) into a productive food garden in just one afternoon. Once the specific layers of mulch are applied we will plant and sow immediately. Harvesting can begin in only a few short weeks!

2. Prepare an Established Orchard for a Food Forest Make-Over

We will prepare an existing orchard for development into a multi-layered, regenerative Food Forest System. In this session we will use two weed control barriers in different areas - durable weed mat and biodegradable mulches. The latter, we will plant and sow with hardy companion plants which will initiate the multi-layered, diverse understory of productive and beneficial plants - known as ‘guilds’ - in our Food Forest. This session will enable you to begin building resilience in your own existing orchard system or establish a Food Forest from scratch! You will start to see the results of your planting by summer - an increase in soil depth and health, an abundance of beneficial insects and delicious harvests for your plate!


The layered organic materials offer an abundance of food for microbes to work on, and to release nutrients for plant growth, whilst also offering warmth, moisture and aeration for root growth PLUS fantastic weed control. As this method requires NO DIGGING, soil health is greatly improved, and it is also excellent for human health - no dig means no back pain!


Embrace and provide for all life forms, and enhance natural resource health by creating diverse and regenerative food systems.


No-Dig and Food Forest approaches increase your garden ecosystem’s resilience to wacky weather changes - ensuring that you always have a harvest, and food on your plate.
Location: MacAndrew Bay, Dunedin. Further details at registration
Time: 1pm-5pm
Fee: $80
Suits: ages 14+
Contact: Michelle Ritchie 029 7710 212

26 September

Shetland Street Community Garden Working Session

28 September

Dalmore Community Garden Working Bee